MACC News: President's Message: Summer 2021 Vol. 1

President's Message: Summer 2021 Vol. 1

President's Message: Summer 2021 Vol. 1

We certainly got what we were hoping for…. hot weather!  Pair this with customers making home improvements, business upgrades, and old equipment breaking down, I am sure we are all very busy and looking forward to a restful Labor Day.  However, we are also very thankful and blessed to be working and able to enjoy the summer.  Nothing should be taken for granted, am I correct?

That being said, we need to take care of ourselves and take a break here and there.  What better way than to join us for the 42nd Annual MACC Golf Outing on Monday, August 9th at the Village Club at Lake Success! Play a round of golf or join us for cocktails, dinner, and raffles!  There are also still great sponsorship opportunities available! MACC is ecstatic to continue its yearly tradition by making a donation to the wonderful Make-A-Wish Foundation, which creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. Please visit our website,, to register and for more information!

After more than a year away, MACC Meetings will resume in September! We will be hosting our first in person meeting since February 2020, on Thursday, September 2nd. For this meeting we will be bringing back our “Passing the Torch” series! Be sure to mark your calendars and help us make this meeting a great success! Visit our website for more information!

MACC recently partnered with ACCA and became one of its Allied Contracting Organizations (ACO). As one of the benefits of this partnership, MACC members are eligible for $100 off ACCA’s upcoming Fall Meetings! In November, ACCA is hosting an Office & Operations Managers Forum and a Service Managers Forum. More information can be found on page 6.

Again, we thank you all for your continued support, and I am looking forward to seeing you at the Golf Outing and the upcoming meetings.  

Stay safe and enjoy the summer!


James Padavan