MACC - An ACCA Allied Contracting Organization (ACO)

MACC and ACCA form Alliance to Support Contractor Advocacy & Training

MACC recently signed an agreement to affiliate with Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) as an Allied Contracting Organization. This new agreement will help both organizations better represent and support contractors in the New York City area through a unified voice on legislative and regulatory issues, better coordination, cross-promotion, and reciprocal discounts on educational programs.

Affiliation conversations got underway when ACCA’s President & CEO, Barton James and then chairman, Eric Knaak of Isaac Heating & Air Conditioning attended MACC’s September 2019 Survive & Thrive event.

Allied Contracting Organizations (ACOs) are independent contracting associations that partner with ACCA on the advancement of the HVACR industry’s technical excellence, business success, and legislative and regulatory goals. While ACCA and MACC memberships remain separate, both organizations will promote the value of investing in strong representation at the local and national levels.

For example, ACCA and Allied Contracting Organizations have partnered on advocacy issues similar to MACC’s ongoing fight with PSEG over unfair, ratepayer-subsidized competition against independent contractors. ACCA’s advocacy tools and expert advice will help MACC amplify the voice of New York contractors on the local, state, and national levels.

To better support contracting excellence in New York, MACC and ACCA agree to exchange content and provide reciprocal discounts on events, training, and products. Some upcoming opportunities include:

 $100 off ACCA’s Fall Meetings in New Orleans

 Optimize your operations and get the most from your team with the Office and Operations Managers Forum (November 1-2) and Service Managers Forum (November 2-3).

Use promo code MACC100


 10% off ACCA’s Online Training Courses

 You’ll enjoy on-demand Qtech courses for entry level technicians and emerging topics like A2L refrigerants, more advanced residential and light commercial HVAC design certifications, and even new live-virtual courses on HVACR basics.

Use promo code MACC10


• 10% off ACCA manuals, workbooks, and other products

Visit ACCA’s Online Store for more information. (member promo code to be provided) 

Use promo code MACCSTORE

These discounts are combinable with ACCA member pricing such that members of both organizations will save even more – as much as $300 off event registration and up to 35% online. Look for more opportunities in the months ahead.