MACC News: President’s Message – Fall 2020 Vol. 2

President’s Message – Fall 2020 Vol. 2

President’s Message – Fall 2020 Vol. 2
As we near the end of the year, we mark the conclusion of what has been a challenging year, as well as the end of my term as MACC President. Although it is a bit disappointing to end on such a difficult year, I know that James Padavan will do a tremendous job in leading the organization forward. I would like to thank the Board of Directors and association staff for all their hard work. It is a pleasure to collaborate with a strong group of likeminded professionals all working toward the same goal, the betterment of our industry and our community. I am very grateful for the opportunity to be the leader of such a great organization. 

The end of the year also marks the season of giving! There is no better way to end the year, than by giving back to our community. This is especially true as we continue to endure through the COVID-19 Pandemic. In what has become a yearly tradition for the MACC News, you will find great articles in this issue about MACC members and their charitable initiatives!

I look forward to hopefully seeing everyone in person very soon!

Featured in MACC News Fall 2020 Vol. 2