MACC News: Editor's Notes: Fall 2020 Vol. 2

Editor's Notes: Fall 2020 Vol. 2

Editor's Notes: Anthony Carbone

What a year it’s been for all of us in 2020.
The turmoil that has ensued this year is like no other. The challenges of maintaining an HVAC company with skilled labor and a pandemic to manage has placed strains on companies who are trying reinvent themselves to accommodate this new terrain.

Not only do we need to protect our labor force, we need to protect our clients and yet, maintain a comfort level to allow them to sustain.

Indoor comfort for those who now work at home is at the top of many people’s lists. Remodeling homes to accommodate new home offices or at home school classrooms are what many contractors are getting calls for. 

The restaurant industry is trying to adapt to less volume, but maintain safety. So, indoor air scrubbers and UV lights, HEPA filters are at the top of the list to maintain a safe dining environment which will make patrons feel safe.

These changing times are stressful for all at risk, but to adapt a business to prosper in light of the pandemic has created many new rules. 

We, at MACC, are reinventing our industry organization to maximize our value to the contractor base and our associate members. 

We will bring value to each member with new informative ways such as online classes and a website that brings pertinent topics to our members. 

With each month, the hope is to get back to “normal” and hope new insight comes to the medical professionals to find ways to cure or reduce the severity of this disease. 

Some of the changes that have occurred will never go back, as the trauma that has been inflicted upon this generation will be long-lasting. 

As many HVAC contractors continue to scout for talent in a very technical field, the choices are slim, as many have little to no interest in getting into the HVAC business.
The money available to those who choose to enter can be exponential and lucrative. 

As we continue to trudge through this process, let’s see what environmental regulations are imposed upon our industry if a new presidential administration takes office. 

From all of us at MACC, may each and every one of you remain healthy during the holiday season and a Happy New Year to all of you. Please continue to support MACC as it is a vital part of our industry that adds information and resources to you and your company. 

Anthony Carbone
Systematic Control Corp. 

Editor's Notes: Jason Staiano

As 2020 draws to a close, now is the time to reflect on the changes we have had to make as a result of a global pandemic.

First and foremost, we have all been forced to cancel large gatherings and avoid in person meetings. As previously discussed in my last editorial, the AHR Expo for 2021 has been canceled and tentatively planned to resume in 2022. For many of us in this industry, we rely on trade shows for education and to help augment sales.  We also rely on industry events to make new connections and explore new avenues in our industry.

We have all had to adapt and survive. While some industries were hit harder than others, the common thread among all businesses is that we all had to find new ways to stay connected and remain relevant. The watch and wait approach adopted by many businesses proved to be dangerous and many business leaders realized quickly that adaptation was the key to success. As the early spring blossomed into the summer, and summer lazily turned into fall, we all tried to approach our industry and business with fervor and a newfound sense of creativity. 

Finally, we all found ourselves focusing on cleanliness and maintaining a safe work environment for our employees and personnel as they began to return to work. Many turned to our leadership to maintain their safety and now more than ever, a renewed focus on personal health. We were diligent about personal protective equipment and the importance of creating a sense of safety for our staff. 

Despite all the negativity generated by this arduous year, I feel that is it important we focus on the positive aspects of this pandemic. I believe that our industry has risen to the challenge and will continue to create, innovate, and advance in the coming year. 

Cheers to a closing off 2020 and wishing everyone a happy, healthy 2021!  

Jason Staiano
National Compressor Exchange, Inc.

Featured in MACC News Fall 2020 Vol. 2