MACC News: President's Message

President's Message

I cannot believe that the summer Is now over. We are still getting a few more 80 degree days so the volume of service calls are still coming in. It was a very hot summer this year so I hope everyone had a prosperous season. I wish it could be 90 degrees every day.

This month the meeting topic was saving lives at the work place. Mike Barry a 40 year veteran of the Fire Department demonstrated the basics of CPR and first aid. We are prepared to do our jobs in our industry however are we prepared to save a life? I would like to thank Al Trudil the future president of ACCA for putting the program together. It was a great show and well attended. next month ACCA is having our annual management round table discussion. We always discuss the hottest topics of the year and everybody walks out of this program with key ideas to bring back to their companies. Do not miss this event!!

This year we will be focusing on increasing the membership within our organization and seeking out greater participation from our contractors, suppliers and associate members. If anybody has an idea or issue relating to our business and industry, please get in touch with us and we will make it happen. How can ACCA help you this year? Are there any issues or topics you want to hear about this year?

 Please use ACCA as a networking experience and a place where you can bring the hottest and most relevant business topics back to your day to day operations. As I always say this year has been legendary.

Thank you for your support and I look forward to seeing you at the next meeting!

— Mike Newman