Snow is in the forecast, and once again management has to decide how to operate a HVAC service company in the winter months. Take the time to review your procedures so decisions do not have to be made at the last minute. Make sure you have an up to date list of employees with accurate contact information. This will allow you to convey important company information to all of your employees. This can be accomplished by an email blast, or perhaps a recorded message that is sent out by phone. Establish procedures to make sure your technicians are prepared and capable of responding to emergency service calls. If you decide to limit your operations during a snow storm, make sure you can receive phone calls from your customers and have the capability of dispatching your service technicians.
I want to thank everyone who attended the February meeting at Westbury Manor. It was nice to see many of the existing members, as well as some new faces. Special thanks to John Franceschina and the staff from PSE&G.
Starting on March 16th, the national ACCA Conference will be held in Grapvine Texas. This is a great opportunity to meet fellow professionals from our industry and discuss methods for improving your business. Several members have already made their arrangements to attend the conference, so please contact our local chapter if you are planning to attend.
The board of directors is dedicated to providing informative and entertaining content for our members and have many exciting topics planned for the upcoming year. We will also be adding additional programming to our Educational Workshops, geared to providing both technical and business training for your employees. Please visit our website on a regular basis ( to stay informed about upcoming events.