MACC News: MACC News Spring Vol. 2

MACC News Spring Vol. 2

MACC News Spring Vol. 2
MACC News: Spring 2020 - Volume 2
On behalf of everyone at Metropolitan Air Conditioning Contractors of New York (MACC), I hope that you and your family are staying well during these difficult and uncertain times.
We would like you to know that MACC is here for you! MACC strives to be a valuable resource for members and the industry, and our Board of Directors and Staff have been working hard to ensure we continue to be a resource during this pandemic.

On the MACC website you will see a page dedicated to all COVID-19 resources. Information is constantly changing, so we wanted to provide members with a place to go to find the most recent information. We have also been emailing updates directly to members, as well as sharing information on our Facebook page. All in an effort to keep members as informed as possible. We have also invited our Associate Members to share their resources for contractor members such as online training courses, company updates, product news, etc. It is a great way to keep Associate members connected and provide important resources to contractors. 

Earlier this year we introduced a Members Group on Facebook. Little did we know it would serve as a truly virtual community when we need it the most. Members can use this group as a way to stay connected to other members, ask questions, share information and more. Please join the group and contribute to our online community of members!
We want to continue to provide members with what they need to get their businesses and employees through this pandemic. A survey has been created for members to fill out, so the association can hear how you have been coping these last few months, as well as find out what else we can provide to you. If there is something that you believe MACC could help you with or if there is a resource you are looking for, please fill out this survey! We need your feedback to move forward with new initiatives.
As a way to help our community, we have set up a virtual food drive with Island Harvest. The virtual food drive will benefit the Island Harvest Food Bank and their mission to help Long Island families in need during the COVID-19 crisis. Our goal is to collect $2,500 worth of food items for our local community. If you are able to, we would greatly appreciate you helping us in reaching our goal by donating.
In conclusion, we hope that we are providing you with vital information you need to get your business through this crisis. If you are aware of a fellow HVAC business owner or a supplier/manufacturer who is struggling, please refer them to MACC and we will do our best to help them. In such difficult times, we all need to come together, as an industry, to get through this!

Jimmy Moyen
Metropolitan Air Conditioning Contractors of New York