The heating season is about to begin, our nights are getting cooler while our days are continuing to be in the 70’s. Hopefully everyone has almost finished all there heating PM’s and are waiting the cold winter months.
Our October meeting in which Gary Butchen spoke about addiction was informative. We learned some new information about the medical marijuana laws and what will happen if you discriminate against anyone who is prescribed marijuana. Thank you to Gary for this insightful information.
It is election time not only for our government but here at ACCA. At our November meeting we will elect our board members for 2015. This meeting will also be a roundtable discussion about computer systems, retaining employees, new technology and finding new customers. Our meeting will be on Thursday November 6th at the LaGuardia Marriott. We would love to see you all at this meeting.
On another note, I know that some of you have tried to get into the OSHA 10 class and found that it is full. The board will be holding another class in 2015 so be on the lookout for the dates on our website. — Al Trudil