MACC News: President's Message - December 2014

President's Message - December 2014

Well we’re into fall now, the temperature is going up and down - one day you get calls for heat and the next day you get a/c calls and it looks like it’s going to be a long winter.

The round table discussions were very enlightening at our last meeting. The topics Mike Newman set up to talk about had people well engaged. We also had our board elections and I would like to congratulate all who won.

The board is working hard on a schedule for next year with more commercial topics. Our OSHA 10 class in October was a big success with an over flow of people interested in taking the class. We are having another class December 6 and December 13 which is filling up so please click here for more details and to register.

Our holiday party will be held on December 4th at Burton & Doyle in Great Neck. Click here to register and for details. Don’t forget to bring a toy for our Toys for Tots drive. Looking forward to seeing you all there. —Al Trudil