MACC News: President's Message - May 2016

President's Message - May 2016

President's Message - May 2016

It’s apparent that MACC has established itself as a successful trade association that represents the HVAC community in the greater New York Area.  The current board of directors, in collaboration with Association Development Services, continue to provide many exciting new programs and events throughout the year.  Our entertaining networking events, “Workshop Program”, technical training, are all contributing to record attendance to our events.

It’s important to stay informed about issues that affect our industry. As a community of HVAC professionals, it is our responsibility to stay connected and contribute to the establishment of favorable laws and regulations. Sharing information about changes to these regulations amongst the membership is equally important.

Our April meeting was a great success.  With over 70 attendees, members got to enjoy a fabulous meal at Il Bacco and be entertained by Daniel Jacobs, middle weight boxing champ.  After hearing about his inspiring life story, Daniel took questions and posed for photographs with all of the members.  

Our May meeting will be a “Round Table” event, a discussion of topics that will affect the bottom line of your business.   Please remember to register for our upcoming June events, our annual “Night with the Mets” and cocktail networking event.  I’m looking forward to seeing you soon, and remember to visit our web site at for upcoming events.