MACC News: President’s Message – Fall 2020 Vol. 1

President’s Message – Fall 2020 Vol. 1

President’s Message – Fall 2020 Vol. 1
In this message, I would like to highlight the many benefits of being a member of your local industry association, MACC. The best way that I can present the value of MACC is by sharing my experience as a member.

I have been a member of MACC for more than 10 years and I have served on the Board of Directors since 2013. One of the most valuable benefits of membership is forming alliances with other contractors and vendors. It is great to collaborate with other members and share information and experiences. 

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, MACC has helped my company tremendously. MACC worked diligently to share information with members that would allow for all of us to better serve our customers in these difficult times. Specifically, MACC distributed important information to members to help us find better ways of gaining access to PPP loans for our businesses. I am very glad to have MACC as a resource during such uncertain times. To have an industry organization in your corner is hugely beneficial.

When I think back on the many MACC meetings I have attended, the two that I have enjoyed the most are the Contractor’s Roundtable and Survive and Thrive series. The roundtable is a good opportunity to gather with other contractors and hear about topics such as new technologies others are using in their offices, marketing tools and more. The Survive and Thrive series takes the roundtable discussions to the next level. A few years ago, MACC introduced this series to bring notable persons in the industry to meetings to share how they survived challenges in their careers and how they worked to thrive in the industry.

For anyone who is not yet a member of MACC, I would like to encourage you to find out more about membership! It is likely that you know someone who is a MACC member. Use them as a resource to get more insight on the benefits of members. Prospective members are always welcome to attend a membership meeting (virtual for now) to get an idea of what meetings are like. Think of membership as forming allies in the industry!

We are currently working on putting together programming for 2021. The year ahead may look a bit different, but we will have great things planned. Please visit our website and be sure to mark your calendar for our upcoming events! 

Stay safe and healthy!

Jimmy Moyen


Featured in MACC News Fall 2020, Volume 1