MACC News: President's Message - Winter 2021 Vol. 1

President's Message - Winter 2021 Vol. 1

President's Message - Winter 2021 Vol. 1

It is my pleasure to wish everyone a happy and safe New Year as the new President of MACC. We have new and valued programs coming our way this year that we hope you take advantage of, as well as some fun networking and social events. These events are exclusive to members only, so don’t forget to renew or join!

While the pandemic has placed restrictions on our meeting in person, we look forward to monthly membership meetings resuming in February via webinars and are hoping to meet in person in the near future. With the support of our Associate Members, we offer exciting training classes for our technicians and office staff so we can improve in the field as well as our business expertise. Our webinars will cover topics that our industry believes to be relevant and of the utmost importance to our success, from refrigerants and technology to labor laws and new environmental concerns.

On the social side, I am excited to meet with you at the Annual Golf Outing on August 9th and a cocktail network meeting at Charlotte’s Speakeasy in Farmingdale, both sure to be a lot of fun! Be sure to check our website for more information on these and many more upcoming events at We always welcome suggestions and encourage you to email us at

Personally, I look forward to welcoming new members and introducing them to our long- standing members. Every one of us can contribute to the success of the industry and it is so important, more now than ever, to band together to elevate HVAC contractors, distributors and manufactures so we can best serve our clients and the community we all live in. 

Again, wishing you a healthy, safe, and prosperous New Year!

Jim Padavan