MACC News: Editor's Notes: Jason Staiano

Editor's Notes: Jason Staiano

And the Next Challenge is…

At times, running a business might feel like running a gauntlet, obstacle after obstacle, challenge after challenge. The current challenge is navigating a business through Covid-19. First off, if you own a business, and are able to operate and generate some level of revenue than consider yourself one of the lucky ones. All around us, in our local communities’ businesses are closing indefinitely, with the small restaurants at this point seeming to be hit the hardest. So, if you are operating, here is a quick informal guide that most of you probably already know or if not, should know:

1 - Increase cleanliness in your workplace - have postings about washing hands, not touching your face, keeping a proper distance from others; have designated employees throughout the day disinfect all common areas, faucets, door knobs, time clocks and etc...; set up hand sanitizing stations (if you have not done so already, that ship has probably sailed) You can print out some helpful material to post from:

2 - Put up postings to tell people not to walk into your facility and list your telephone number so they can call when they are outside.

3 - If applicable, have some staff work from home, alternate shifts or allow employees to take their vacation time, to help thin down the ranks.

4 - Visit the website for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce,, they have a bunch of resources listed about Covid-19, as well as information that you need to know about the government stimulus package and how it can help your business.

5 - Provide face masks and gloves for your employees so when they are walking through common areas it provides another level of protection.

6 - To show your support and gratitude to your employees that are coming in, it would be a nice gesture to buy them lunch on Fridays, plus by doing so you can help support your local restaurant businesses.

If there are other ideas that you are doing to help stop the spread of Covid-19 in your business, it would be great to hear it. You can visit the MACC Facebook page and join our members only group discussion board and post your comment on what you are doing to my post.