MACC News: President's Message - January 2015

President's Message - January 2015

Well the holiday season is over and I hope everyone enjoyed it.  A New Year has come and with that new president for the Greater NY Chapter of ACCA.  I would like to take a moment and thank the current ACCA board for all they did for me during my 2 years as President, you all made my job easier and it was greatly appreciated.  I would also like to thank John DeLillo Sr and Jr for all their hard work and help that they have given me.  I would like to congratulate Marc Soffler, the incoming president, and wish him the best of luck. I know he will do an outstanding job for our chapter.  This is a great organization to belong to.

The holiday party was a great success, thanks to Anthony Carbone who always chooses the best restaurants.  Everyone enjoyed the food and company. We collected a box full of toys for our Toys For Tots drive.